This is early childhood infection prevention
We’re Australian Curriculum based and together with you,
we keep our children, teaching staff and families healthy
Welcome to Happy Hands Hygiene!
Teaching Infection Prevention has been our favourite thing to do since 1995.
We’ve seen the benefits that come from a culture of hygiene in high density settings time and time again. With a background in Residential Aged Care, we’ve generated a lifetime of expertise and now, together with teaching staff, we’re focusing on creating a culture of cleanliness among the children.
We’re proudly powered by:
A life changing subscription.
For less than a cup of coffee a day, your Hands Happy Hygiene investment creates a culture of cleanliness that you can be proud of
School Subscriptions enable access to an easy to use Teacher and Parent Portal & a learning focused Incursion Experience
We’ve developed an Australian Curriculum based Lesson Plan set, resources and activities to help teachers meet their requirements
Happy Hands Hygiene Portal and Incursion content and material is suited to Kindergarten, Years 1 & 2, and Years 3 & 4
What’s in the Teacher & Parent Portal?
Australian Curriculum based Lesson Plans, released in line with School Term planning timelines
Infection Prevention, Health and Hygiene ‘Knowledge Base’ library of content
Infection Prevention, Health & Hygiene Classroom Activity Library and Resources
Printable Resources for use in restrooms, common areas, administration buildings and for children to take home
Digital Resources for integration on email, parent portals and digital screens
Infection Prevention, Health & Hygiene Improvement Measurement Tool
Contact Pathway for specialised Infection Prevention Support
Tell me about the Incursion.
Developed by professional Teaching Staff to ensure efficacy and efficiency
Australian Curriculum based activities and learning to ensure learning standards are met
Outcome focused, inclusive and engaging for Kindergarten, Prep, Years 1, 2, 3 and 4
Includes two professional teaching staff to ensure children are well managed and classroom teachers are not burdened
Tested on groups ranging in size from 12 to 30 with successful outcomes achieved
Certificate of Recognition delivered for School to display and promote their commitment to Infection Prevention
Certificate of Achievement for Children to take home and be proud of
To create and celebrate a culture of Infection Prevention in Early Childhood Education communities.
Hand hygiene is the best way to protect against infection
Children are empowered when taught about self hygiene
Proper hand washing is the #1 way to reduce sickness related absenteeism

A few kind words
“The children absolutely loved the incursion and have been washing their hands properly since.”
Sandra S
Good Start Early Learning / Mount Warren Park / Qld
“We’ve really enjoyed having the kids be so engaged in hand washing and cleanliness.”
Angela B
Kings Christian College / Reedy Creek / Qld
“The children have taken hand washing more seriously since the incursion and the resources are great.”
Ms Wilson
Cedar Creek Primary / Cedar Creek / Qld